Godfather is a 1991 Malayalam film directed by Lal and Siddique. The only movie that ran continuously for 405 days (95 days in regular shows and 310 days as a noon show) in a theatre in Trivandrum as the longest running Malayalam film.
In 2004 Priyadarshan remade this film in Hindi titled as Hulchul. the film was one among the major hits of the releasing year.
The story centres around the rivalry of two families, each headed by Anjooran (N.N. Pillai) and Anappara Achamma (Philomina). Anjooran dislikes women because during the wedding of his son Balaraman (Thilakan-Anappara Achamma's husband accidentally shot his wife and killed her, thereby making him vow never to marry any of his sons again.
The youngest son, Ramabhadran (Mukesh) falls in love with Malu (Kanaka) from Achamma's family. Meanwhile Mayin Kutty (Jagadish), friend of Ramabhadran discovers that Swaminathan(Innocent) has secretly married Kochammini (KPAC Lalitha). When Anjooran discovers this he banishes Ramabhadran and Swaminathan out of his house. Ramabhadran soon discovers that Achamma plans to humiliate his family even further and set him on his father- so he makes plans with Swaminathan, Kochamani and Malu's brother (Siddique) to intervene and somehow bring things to a very happy conclusion.
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